Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Free 1901 Open Database

Dear Publishers,

Due to the success of the last 1901 UK census open database I am pleased to announce that Ancestry.co.uk will be running the campaign again from the 11th January until 17th Feb - That's free access to the 1901 index for a huge 6 weeks!

This campaign will be running in line with the hit BBC2 Series Who Do You Think You Are and is likely to cause a huge stir.New Free 1901 banners will be up and running shortly so please make sure that you check your CJ account and pick them up.

All previous 1901 banners will be updated so not everyone will have to change theirs.If anyone has any questions or requires additional copy/creative etc then please email me directly at plewis@myfamilyinc.com

Thanks and enjoy the surge in genealogy traffic that's coming your way.


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